Portraits of Lyon

Finding your way around the city
Visite de l'exposition Portraits de Lyon du MHL Gadagne - © Gadagne, 2019

As an introduction or foretaste, the "Portraits of Lyon" exhibition gives visitors, whether tourists or local residents, the key pointers for understanding the modern city.

"Portraits of Lyon" is an overview of Lyon's history that combines historical and geographical data, symbolic and collector's items, fictitious testimonials, films and interactive models.

It features : 

  • A quirky animated film, 
  • An immersive film about the modern city, 
  • An interactive model of Lyon with video mapping, 
  • Six fictitious witnesses telling their story against the historical background,
  • Symbolic objects alongside collector's items,
  • Large chronological friezes and maps from all eras.

Admission and pratical information

Affiche de l'exposition Portraits de Lyon du MHL - Gadagne
Affiche de l'exposition Portraits de Lyon du MHL - Gadagne

Can Lyon be defined ?

The exhibition opens with a selection of 10 cliché objects that have marked Lyon's history, including a sausage, an Olympique Lyonnais football shirt, a white Paul Bocuse chef's hat, a candle from the Festival of Lights, a puppet and a silk bobbin.

An immersive film entitled One Day in Lyon takes viewers into the modern-day city, with its different atmospheres, streets, squares, crossroads and the diversity of residents, as well as the city's sounds, lights and ambiance.

Définir Lyon dans l'exposition Portraits du MHL Gadagne - © Gadagne, 2019
Définir Lyon dans l'exposition Portraits du MHL Gadagne - © Gadagne, 2019

How did Lyon become Lyon ?

The second part of the exhibition is designed around 6 "islands", each representing an important period in Lyon's history, from Antiquity to the 21st century. Each historical period is embodied by a fictitious witness who tells us their story in the historical context.

14 views of Lyon and beautiful panoramas form a common thread through the exhibition to show how the city has expanded.

An animated film summarises 2,000 years of Lyon history, telling the story of the city's urban development.

And what about Lyon today ?

A large-scale interactive model of the modern city enables visitors to find their bearings and identify its main urban, geographical and historical landmarks. Using the control screens, visitors wander as they please or follow set routes to learn more about the city.

See behind the scenes of the photoshoot
