People of Lyon!

New permanent exhibition: opened on December 2023
The fourth and final permanent exhibition in the new MHL layout, People of Lyon! tells a tale which centres on the inhabitants of Lyon, the political community that makes up the city.
Discover Lyon's unique political history, not only via the places and representatives of government authority but also through portraits of the citizens of Lyon who have fought in social and civic struggles, from the Mediaeval city to today’s Metropole.

One exhibition, three key ideas
Citizens – activists, militants
From the 1970s-1980s onwards, new forms of activism have been joining existing social and political struggles, making themselves seen in the streets and on the walls of the city. Immerse yourself in Lyon's origins with three examples of these movements: environmental protection, feminism, and defending the rights of foreign citizens.
Conflict: Lyon between war and crisis
Take a trip through various historical periods from the 16th to the 20th century, when the people of Lyon clashed in battles between the various powers (religious wars, French Revolution...) or fought together (Second World War, social struggles...).
Governing the city: power sharing
Religious, royal, municipal... here come the institutional powers. Journey through the history of Lyon via the places and various authorities which have succeeded one another in the city, from the archbishop in the 11th century to the emergence of the figure of Mayor.
A centrepiece of the collection: Le sac de Lyon par les calvinistes (The sack of Lyon by Calvinists)
This stunning allegorical painting depicts the moment when the Protestants seized power in Lyon in 1562. In this piece, painted in oil on wood around 1565, it is hard to make out any of Lyon's places or monuments. Only the inscriptions at the top and bottom of the painting identify Lyon as the location of the scene. Today, researchers are agreed that this piece is the work of a Reformist painter.

A fresco of urban prints on activism
The museum decided to ask Olivia Paroldi, engraver and creator of urban prints, to design an original piece especially for the exhibition. This fresco takes up an entire wall, an expressive work which depicts the various forms of activism and social struggles which have left their mark on the city of Lyon - and which continue to do so.

Paul Chopelin, maître de conférences en histoire moderne (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)
Philippe Dujardin, politologue, ancien chargé de recherche pour Millénaire3
Benoît Faure-Jarrosson, président de la Société d’Histoire de Lyon, doctorant en histoire moderne (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)
Stéphane Frioux, maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Arthur Grosjean, professeur d’histoire-géographie (Lycée de la Plaine-de-l’Ain)
Annick Houel, professeure honoraire en psychologie sociale (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Bernard Hours, professeur en histoire moderne (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)
Lilian Mathieu, maître de conférences en sociologie, directeur de recherche au CNRS (centre Max-Weber, ENS de Lyon)
Gauthier Mingous, doctorant en histoire moderne (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Renaud Payre, politologue, professeur à l’Institut d’études politiques de Lyon
Vincent Porhel, maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine (ESPé de Lyon)
Pierre-Jean Souriac, maître de conférences en histoire moderne (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)
Marianne Thivend, maîtresse de conférences en histoire contemporaine (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Associations and experts
Alternatiba Rhône
Centre de recherches sur les alternatives sociales (CEDRATS)
Culture pour tous – Allies
Extinction Rebellion Lyon Rhône
La Cimade
Mouvement pour une alternative non-violente (MAN)
Nous Toutes Rhône
Observatoire des armements
Planning familial 69
Vers un réseau d’achat en commun (VRAC)
Zéro déchet Lyon
Michel Bernard
Mireille Debard
Catherine Guinchard
Young people asked for their perspective
Les étudiant-es en 3e année, Licence Anthropologie, Science et Société (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Pauline Salinas, service civique, association les Cités d’Or
Bernard Bolze
Christian Delorme
Maurice Harel
Hervé Hugues
Farid L’haoua
Élise Lhommée
Jacqueline Li-Michaud
Métropole de Lyon
François Ménétrier
OEuvres pontificales missionnaires
Christiane Ray
Jean-Luc Reyjal
Marion Sabut